Inspiration and News

New Healthy Habits!

I have talked a lot about nutrition the past few months and as I was trying to figure out what to write about this month, attitude, excuses, procrastination kept running through my mind. We all know the things we should be doing every day to keep ourselves healthy but sometimes we get off track and can’t seem to get back on track without a nudge or even a push.


I was talking to a client today who told me why she tried the 30 Days to Healthy Living we are now offering at Totally Fit. It was because she had gotten off track and was having a hard time getting back to eating healthy. Finding what works for you is key - and the 30 Days to Healthy Living worked for her. It's important to realize that what worked before may not work this time. 

It is the same thing with working out. We can come up with a million excuses for not working out today but the reality is once you show up, you are glad you did and actually feel better.

Years ago people didn’t work out because they were more active in their daily lives. Even doing laundry was time consuming and labor intensive. Jobs were less sedentary. Now most people work at jobs where we sit all day. We don't even have to get up to make or send a copy! However, we are more stressed than ever before and really need to make the time to work out and de-stress.

Find a program that gets your serotonin levels up and the endorphins going, and you will keep coming back for more. Those feel-good hormones help to keep the cortisol levels down, which in turn helps to keep your weight down. So taking a yoga, weight training, core, balance and cardio, or maybe even a Zumba class is just what the doctor ordered.

I know old habits die hard but making new healthy habits are all good for our mind, body and spirit.