Inspiration and News

No-Pressure Eating - Enjoy Your Thanksgiving!

Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving?

Getting together with family and friends of course enjoying great food and drink.

Did you know most people now look forward to Thanksgiving more than Christmas because there is less pressure?

It is also the time of year when people gain seven to ten pounds. The average calories consumed at a Thanksgiving dinner is 3,000...and with appetizers, drinks and dessert it can add up to 4,500 calories! That is at least a one-pound gain, depending on what else you ate during the day.

Here is a list of the calorie content of some of your favorites:

1. 1 cup of eggnog without alcohol - 223 calories

2. 4 oz. of wine – 100 calories

3. 1 oz. of peanuts – 170 calories

4. 7 (28g) cubes of cheese – 110 calories

5. 10 oz. glass of whiskey and coke with single shot of whiskey – 195 calories.

You may think some of those aren’t too bad, but it takes time to burn those calories!

Consider how long it would take you to burn off calories if you weigh 150 pounds. If you weigh less than 150 pounds it will take even longer.

1. Walking (3 ½ miles per hour): 140 in 30 minutes

2. Weight lifting (general light workout): 110 in 30 minutes

3. Hiking: 185 in 30 minutes

4. Gardening: 165 in 30 minutes

5. Chopping Wood: 220 in 30 minutes

Consider these numbers when you are trying to decide which foods you will eat and which you will avoid.

Have a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving

Moving Through the Holiday Season

I know it is hard to believe but the Holiday Season is fast approaching. There are only 38 days until Thanksgiving then we will be in full swing of another hectic, activity-packed holiday season.

I don’t know about you but I have already started to plan for the shopping, parties, workplace events, etc. I have also started to think about and adjust my diet accordingly.

Do you want to lose some weight before the holidays get here? It is doable, but don’t wait until next Monday...get started now by making simple adjustments. 

First, don’t eat after 7:00PM, or if you are like me and don’t get to eat dinner until then, make it a light meal, having your heavier meal at lunchtime.

Second, limit your snacks. If you feel you can’t wait until the next meal to eat something, make it a healthy snack. A piece of fruit and some protein will help you feel satisfied until your next meal.

Remember, eating 500 fewer calories a day adds up to losing one pound a week. Reducing your portion sizes along with not eating in the evening will help you reach your weight loss goals.

Keep moving! Find at least 10 minutes, three times a day to get in some activity.

A great way to burn calories at work is take the stairs.Going up and down the stairs for 10 minutes is a great cardio workout and calorie burner; it is also a quick way to get those legs in shape. 

Being proactive about eating healthy meals and getting in your workouts will help you feel amazing, and you will have the energy to keep up with all the activities that the holiday season brings.

It's never to early to prepare!

Weight Loss = Lifestyle Change

More people exercise in the United States than any other country, yet we still have an obesity rate of over 35%.  It is so easy to stop for fast food or cook from boxed or frozen meals, all of which are full of preservatives, chemical additives and artificial sweeteners. Chemical additives are only part of the problem with our food. The wheat, corn and soy crops used in our foods are genetically altered. Hormones and antibiotics are used in most of our meat supply. Simply put, all of these factors contribute to how well your metabolism works; the rate at which your body converts food into energy. 

How then do you begin to lose weight? 

There are a few simple changes you can make. 

  1. Drink water and lots of it. You should be drinking half your body weight in water every day. For example if you weigh 140 lbs. you should be drinking 70 ounces of water. Coffee and soft drinks do not count!
  2. You have all heard this before but you should shop only the outer perimeter of the grocery store. If you can, buy organic as much as possible. The benefits will outweigh the additional cost. When you stop eating the processed foods, you will notice the difference in your energy level and weight in as little as a week. But remember - changing your eating habits takes time.
  3. Let’s not forget to get off the couch and get in some physical activity every day. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Finding what works for you and fits into your hectic schedule is a trial and error process.

When you are eating healthy and taking the time to exercise the rewards are tremendous.