Inspiration and News

Sugar: The Enemy of Good Health

It's well known that sugar is bad for you, but many people do not realize how just how bad. Doctors always say reduce your salt intake if you have high blood pressure; now they are saying you should also reduce your sugar intake. Sugar is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Studies are showing it has the same effect on your brain as drugs. It gives you the feel-good boost that drugs do - one of the reasons we consume so much of it.


Almost all of the packaged food you purchase has some kind of sugar in it, some of it worse for you than others. Do you know that even the salad dressings you buy have added sugar?

Processed packaged food is a quick, easy way to cook when you are in a hurry, which we all seem to be these days. But those quick easy foods are ruining your health. Look at the ingredients on the package before you purchase processed food to be sure sugar has not been added.

Better yet, buy fresh vegetables and fruit with all their natural sugars. You will be amazed at how sweet a peach tastes when you haven’t had processed sugar in a while and how much better you feel consuming natural sugars over processed.